TrguiNG is a multiplatform remote GUI for transmission torrent daemon written in Rust and Typescript/React using Tauri framework and Mantine UI library.

You can use this program in 2 ways: as a native Windows/Linux/Mac app and as a web gui served by transmission itself by setting $TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME environment variable to point to TrguiNG web assets.


  • Multi tabbed interface for concurrent server connections (native app only)
  • Torrent creation with fast multi threaded hashing (native app only)
  • Powerful torrent filtering options
  • Efficient network usage
  • Configurable path mappings to directly access torrent files if their location is mounted locally (native app only)
  • Latest transmission features support: labels, bandwidth groups, sequential download
  • Dark/light/custom theme support

Source code:

Downloads for windows/mac/debian/web:


Arch AUR:


Main window
Main window
Adding a torrent
Adding a torrent
Dark theme, peers tab
Dark theme, peers tab
Creating new torrent
Creating new torrent
Torrent properties
Torrent properties
Server settings
Server settings